Jamie Cullum - Australasian Tour


Tue 20 Jul, 2004 Newtown RSL, Sydney
Thu 22 Jul, 2004 Mercury Lounge, Melbourne
Wed 28 Jul, 2004 St James Theatre, Auckland


When you're the one person that the Neptunes' Pharrell Williams wants to meet at the Brit Awards ad legendary TV host Michael Parkinson describes you as "a star in the making" to an audience of millions, you could be forgiven for getting a bit of an oversized head.

But the artist international press are dubbing "Sinatra in sneakers," Jamie Cullum, seems to be remarkably down to earth, as delighted by the attention of Pharrell Williams as any giddy twenty-something year-old fan would be. And when you consider that in the past Williams' interest in an artist has led to some of the biggest career hits for Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, No Doubt, and Jay-Z it's fairly obvious that Jamie Cullum is worth more than just a second look.

Add to that his signing at 23 of a record deal for a �1 million cool ones and you seriously start to rethink the number of times you slacked off on your piano lessons (mind you Cullum claims he was rubbish when he was younger, so maybe there's a million in us all yet). With his debut album Twentysomething (Universal) now on the shelves in Australia, it seems likely that Jamie Cullum is set to win hearts downunder. Scheduled for two special showcases in Sydney and Melbourne this July, audiences will be able to experience his dynamic jazz stylings at their best. As the Sunday Times (UK) wrote [Jamie Cullum] "has the potential to bring jazz to an entirely new twentysomething audience."

In the UK & US his shows are a mix of jazz enthusiasts, music lovers and ardent teens. Delivering something for everyone, his shows are high energy with the New York Times writing; "Cullum... is a natural showman with the confidence of a bantam rooster waking up the neighbourhood with his crowing" while Variety declared; "he plays 'em the way he sees 'em, not according to some book that states there's Frank's way or the highway."

If you want to catch on to the next seriously big thing then ensure that you see Jamie Cullum in his intimate showcases this July because we can pretty much guarantee it's the last time you'll see him in venues of this size.

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